Friday, June 10, 2011

For America or For Profit?

       Isn't amazing that people are still fascinated with the likes of Palin?  I mean you either support her and you think she is great or you hate her and she is terrible.  Many are still wondering if she will run for President or not and my hope is that she will.  I mean that would make it a cake walk for Obama in 2012.  But calm down I really doubt she will run for President.  Just look at her recent past, she quits as governor so she can sell books and make killer money doing speaking gigs.  Now she is promoting a new book and she is on a "family vacation" across the east coast.  Palin is a walking donation sticker the woman is not even a candidate but she has the gall to ask people to donate to her cause.  If that's the case why don't you donate to my cause which is calling out people like Palin and Trump who like to make there fame and fortune off the easily scared and naive. 
      Now lets get this one thing clear I am all for open conversation and debate.  I understand everyone has their own views but what gets me riled up is when people in positions of power and/or influence begin to tell lies and try to scare people into making decisions on important issues without regard to the facts but just the lies that these people are telling to benefit their own agenda.  People like Palin and Trump claim they do what they do for America but I get the hunch that they are doing it for profit.  What do you think?

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