Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GOP holding U.S Economy Hostage

The government is facing another deadline to come to a deal before tragedy strikes.  The difference this time is that if they fail to raise the debt ceiling then they will essentially throw us into a depression if not worse.  I doubt that they will not come to some agreement to raise the debt but I must ask "Why didn't they pull this trick when Bush was in office and he was spending money faster than it could be printed?"  A part of me would like to see them not raise the ceiling because of failure to agree on cuts so that America will finally see that the GOP only cares about there personal wallets.  Everything they stand for has to deal with protecting the wealthy individuals bank accounts.  The GOP actually reminds me of the aristocrats in Europe when they were basically losing there wealth and power the aristocrats turned to force and any other means in order to protect the status quo.  Also the southern plantation and slave owner leading up to and after the Civil War.  In all seriousness I believe a deal will be reached the only question is what will be cut and who will suffer?

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