Friday, June 17, 2011

A Womans Right to Choose

Abortion has always been a hotly debated issue in America.  Well at least since the mid 20th century.  Questions persist on whether abortion is murder, or if the fetus is alive or a person, etc.  As a democrat I am a supporter of pro choice.  But don't get me wrong I do not like the idea of abortion because you never know what that being could have grown up to accomplish.  After saying that you may wonder why I support a woman's right to an abortion.  Well I support it because there are instances when abortion may be the best choice.  Among them are rape and life threatening birth defects, etc.  I am writing this post because the N.C Senate and General Assembly just passed a bill that now goes the governor that puts more restrictions on abortions.  The problem I have with this is that i feel that it is starting us on a path similar to the Jim Crow laws after the Civil War.  The N.C Republicans are repeating history.  After the Civil War the Southern states began passing "Jim Crow" laws that slowly took away the rights and freedoms that blacks have been given under the constitution.  Now they are passing laws to slowly take away the rights of women that has been given to them in the Constitution.  What do you think?

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